Meet Tom
Murphy, IV

TMIV’s Mission
Hi, my name is Tom Murphy, IV dba TMIV Design since 2017. I have a BFA in Graphic Design with a minor focus on Frontend Web Development. My mission is to assist entrepreneurs, artists and small business owners in achieving their branding and marketing needs at a reasonable cost that’s suited towards their growth.
Learn about TMIV’s history behind each of his services:
I graduated in 2016 with a BFA and 3.7 GPA in Graphic Design and a minor focus on web development.
Before college, I found myself with an ability to easily market others and bring character to their brands. College taught me how to amplify my impact by teaching me the ins and outs, or dos and don’ts of both business and design. I chose this area of study not because I was a great artist but due to practicality. My creativity and knowledge for business would benefit from these focuses and so would my clients.
Graphic Design
Today, I have created almost any type of design project I can think of from golf scorecards and direct mail postcards to digital and televised commercial advertisements. I have even created a brand with my 10-year old son with a $0 budget that is growing to be quite successful and known (X-Caliber).
Web Design
& Development
My minor focus in college was Frontend Web Development. We focused on the fundamental coding languages HTML, CSS and JavaScript before being introduced to WordPress, and the powers of SEO. I am currently aiming to learn backend languages to become a full-stack developer, and already have gained a ton of knowledge and new skills while doing so.
Frontend Web Development is the ability to write code that is displayed on the frontend (to the viewers). While backend is used to create complex functions to the site. WordPress and CMS platforms assist frontend, backend and non-techy users so they can all work seamlessly together.
The WordPress framework has allowed me to create fast, powerful and dynamic websites.
A few website types I have created are:
With the power of APIs, Zapier, and Plugins we can create, integrate and automate many of your business tasks too!
& Promotions
I have been marketing artists, entrepreneurs and businesses for over a decade. Gaining most of my skills and knowledge through real-world experiences.
As a freelancer, I supplemented my income by taking on various marketing positions including surveying the public, direct marketing roles, promotional events, and in-store sales.
TMIV Design provides services to help small and large businesses market & advertise through the following platforms:
Growing & Learning
What makes me great at what I do is my passion to continuously grow and evolve. Each service I provide shares a personal interest and comes with hands-on experience. I do what I love and I want to see others do what they love too! So I try to be reasonable when working with each client so we can all see success!
Design: I recognize my go to style is more corporate, I am focused on becoming more versatile and natural with my styles! I am also becoming more of a hobbyist using the various cameras and equipment I’ve accumulated over the years. So, photography might be up next!
Development: My main focus is making sure I am up-to-date and expanding my coding languages. I learn new languages through a variety of resources and even games. I have worked with AI services as well. Still, my main goal is mastering and becoming fluent in these languages.
Marketing: Currently working towards bettering my nonprofit initiatives so I can help them find better processes for donations, sponsorships and fundraising opportunities.
While I like to do it all, I also know I cannot! Jack of all trades is a master of none, but often times better than a master of one. I can do many things professionally, some things semi-professionally and others I will have to learn. Luckily, I keep a strong network of creatives that can do the things I cannot.
My clients and their projects also provide me with enough variety to keep all my wheels turning. I truly am thankful for that!

Let’s Talk Business!
Do you have questions or just want to discuss options regarding branding, advertising and your online presence?
I am always open to discuss your business goals. Contact me using this contact form or call/text (717) 333-1690.